The Alumni Advisory Board, AAB, functions as an advisory group of alumni volunteers who provide guidance to officers, committees, and members concerning chapter operations and programs...Each alumnus is assigned to work with one or more chapter officers with whom he provides regular advisory contact regarding the officers’ specific areas of programming. The alumni advisory board’s responsibilities center around advising the chapter and the officers, assisting with chapter planning retreats, and providing continuity from one year to the next.
Our High Pi, Randy Ritterman, has established a small team of alumni volunteers who are able and willing to assisting the academic chapter officers and position holders in excelling in their duties through advising and mentoring. This team includes Randy, Jeff Blakely, Andrew Lendway and Scott Ciochetto.
If you, an alumni brother, would like to become actively involved with the AAB and donate your time and efforts to help advise and mentor, please get in touch with brother Randy Ritterman.
Check out the all LCA EZZ member group on facebook here.